Arrival & Dismissal


Safety at drop off & pick up is one of Madison's highest priorities. Student arrival will begin at 8:30am. If you arrive after the bell at 8:40am, please drop your student off in the parking lot and have them enter through the main office doors off of 6th Street. 




Car Riders


Students must exit and enter cars in the drop off line at the back of the building. Please line up along 6th Street traveling eastbound, enter the lot making a righthand turn, and travel around the perimeter of the parking lot. Remain in line until you are between the yellow cones along the sidewalk at the rear building entrance - your student may exit or enter your vehicle from the passenger side when between the cones. Please do not drop your student off before 8:30am as there is no staff supervision until 8:30am. Please do not drop your child off along Madison or 6th Street - drop offs should be made in the parking lot only. 


All car riders will be dismissed through the rear entrance doors. Children will wait on the sidewalk until their car is between the yellow cones. For their safety, we ask that students only enter vehicles from the sidewalk. Staff will be available to assist, please remain in your vehicle. Please do not park in the lot and retrieve your student unless they require your assistance.


Please note the Madison School playground is closed after dismissal until 3:30pm.






All walkers will be dismissed through the front entrance doors. If siblings are meeting before walking home together, they should meet in the front of the building. 




Lunch & Recess


Lunch & recess for all 1st-5th grade students is 11:25am-12:15pm. Students in grades 1-5 bring a lunch from home and will have a 25 minute lunch and 25 minute recess. Milk is available to purchase through Skyward. Grades 2 and 4 have first lunch. Grades 1, 3 and 5 have second lunch. 


Students should dress appropriately to be outside during recess and enjoy fresh air. During inclement weather (rain or extreme temperatures), students will remain indoors. 


If your student will go home for lunch, please send a note to their teacher. Children will be excused through the office doors when their guardian arrives and signs them out. Children must remain at home for the duration of lunch and recess. Students will re-enter the building through the office doors after lunch and should be signed back in by their guardian. Please fill out this form if your student will go home for lunch on a regular basis.